. Athena's Books: In My Mail Today...Cleopatra's Daughter
Monday, August 31, 2009

In My Mail Today...Cleopatra's Daughter

Exciting YA news for me...today I recieved an advanced reader's copy of Cleopatra's Daughter! Thanks goes out to Michelle Moran, author of Cleopatra's Daughter, for having one sent to me through her publisher. I seriously can not wait to sink my hair into it. But...I've got quite some work to do this semester at graduate school. I have 4 fiction pieces to write (and I hope I can write them as chapters towards my YA novel/ thesis manuscript) in my Fiction Workshop. That's challenging, but totally do-able. Now, the Screenwriting Workshop. All I can say is wow. I basically have a 70 page feature length screenplay to write. On top of that, I have film analysis and 2 formal papers with bibliographies on book to film adaptation (hmmm...how about Twilight-I'm probably the only one brave enough to do it for grad school) and on previous forms developed in my chosen film genre. Like I said, wow. When will I blog? When will I reveiw? When will I read? But, I'll keep my promise of 1 to 2 posts a week (not neccessarily book reviews).

Tonight, I want to focus more on Cleopatra's Daughter as September 16 is coming on us pretty fast. Heck, Septemeber 1st and The Hollow nearly passed me by, and I didn't even have time to go anywhere near a book store today (but I definitely will).

If you haven't yet seen the book trailer on Michelle's website, well, here it is. It'll pretty much get you to read it.

Who can resist the intrigue of Rome? And for all you world history students reading this...it's so perfect how we are going to be covering ancient Rome very soon.

Happy reading! (And wish me some luck!)