Yea...my semester at grad school over! And out of work for two weeks! I have done absolutely nothing for an entire weekend (except for minor cleaning...)!
Now it is time to play catch up with my 12 days of Christmas book reviews...will I make it? I don't know, but I'll sure try!
On the 3rd day of Christmas...My Heartbeat by Garret Freymann-Weyr.
So this book is pretty obscure in comparison to some of her other novels such as Stay With Me, and it's also on the shorter side, but the writing is non-par. Now the cover shows a love triangle, but it is not the typical triangle. Link and James are best friends, but in between there is Ellen who is Link's sister. She has always been crazy about Link but there have always been rumors that Link is not interested in girls the way he is interested in James...
I do not read this kind of book...as I have ranted about before. But this book tells you, in the book jacket, what's at the core of the plot without hiding it. Also, the protagonist is Ellen and her point of view in the matter. Another thing I like is the fact that what you think can't happen does happen and I for one am happy with the ending...which I won't say other than Ellen wins. What happens to Ellen is not what happens to other girls in other books with best friends they can only love from afar. And I just absolutely love this author and her writing style and her characters, especially her female characters and their level of maturity and ability to be introspective in a way that is authentic and truthful.
Above all it has romance and isn't that like one of the highlights of reading something? If you follow my blog then you know I only read books with boy-girl romance and this book is no exception.
Now I know what's different: I've outgrown the question. I am not attached to James solely through Link. And while he can no longer make me blush, I am old enought for James to break my heart. Breaking his when I outgrow him is no longer the only option.
On the 4th day of Christmas...If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Summary: (from Bordersmedia.com)
Seventeen-year-old Mia is a talented cellist headed for Julliard in the fall. Her life changes in an instant when she and her family get into a car accident one snowy February morning. Suddenly Mia is forced to make the ultimate choice, and it's the only choice that truly matters. If you liked The Lovely Bones, you'll want to read the heartbreakingly beautiful If I Stay.
My thoughts...ok...I wouldn't go so far as to make a comparison with The Lovely Bones because that book gets you from page 1. This one could have a quicker start and the dialogue seems a bit artificial among famil

that's the best and, yes, get those tissues out! Amazingly, you start thinking like Mia and when it seems her soul has just about made the final decision to leave or stay, her soul takes a different direction. Who knows what your soul, heart, and mind are feeling, thinking, seeing until you are actually in that state bordering between life of death and the silver horizon of aliveness?
Here's brief, yet completely effective book trailer to get you going...to go out and buy or check out...or reread!
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