. Athena's Books: What I've Been Reading
Friday, June 12, 2009

What I've Been Reading

Well, the inevitable has happened…I’ve actually been too busy to blog and I feel terrible about it. The end of the school year, the start of summer school, living room furniture shopping, all kinds of movies on Direct TV. All this in one week with no time to sit down and actually write a good review. You know what really set me back was the filtering system at my school that now blocks any blog. So, I can’t check it or get access to it or post anything.

But I have been reading. Right now it's The Reluctant Heiress by Eva Ibbotson. I have never read anything by this author, and generally I don’t enjoy novels that have non-contemporary settings. But, it’s got romance, and I’m at that part where the two main characters are growing fond of one another without fully understanding what is happening between them.

Before that I read one of my new all time favorite novels (the list is always growing!)…Stay With Me by Garret Freymann Weyr. Wow. This is what I want to write! I must write a full review soon!

I will post a review soon! Hopefully tonight! Unless The Reluctant Heiress gets in the way!