. Athena's Books: The YA Novel I Want To Write...Tragedy, Beach, Photography, Love
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The YA Novel I Want To Write...Tragedy, Beach, Photography, Love

Lettin you know that I updated my Livejournal...follow this link

A few weeks ago I mentioned how I had this great idea for my screenwriting class...well, I think it would be a better novel. Why? Screenwriting is not really my thing even though I find it fascinating, but I'm swimming upstream when it comes to getting a movie made. I don't know that I will ever seriously pursue that route. So, I'm thinking why not write some awesome drama about the Roman Empire instead. Stop thinking about trying to write a screenplay that can actually be shot here in the Valley because really...it's a long shot.

But, doesn't mean I can't use my idea as another project.

Here is a 2 sentence summary: A teenage girl must come to terms with the death of her sister after her sister's vehicle plunges off a bridge. Solymar de los Santos must deal with varying degrees of grief and come to an understanding about her own identity.

Want to read a full synopsis? Go to my Livejournal page here.

I will regularly be updating my writing diary on Livejournal. I'll notify all you guys who follow my blogs and book reviews here at Athena's YA Book Reviews, so that you can follow my writing diary as well.

Have a good one.